英법원 유학생 살해범 김규수씨에 무기징역

2003-03-27     dongpo

    (런던=연합뉴스) 이창섭특파원 = 영국 올드 베일리 형사법원은 25일 유학생  진
효정(22), 송인혜(23)양을 살해한 혐의로 기소된 민박집 주인  김규수(31)씨에   대
해 무기징역을 선고했다.

    배심원단은 이날 오전 실시된 공판에서 진양 및 송양 사건과 관련해 1급 살인혐
의로 기소된 김규수씨에 대해 유죄평결을 내렸으며 로버츠 판사는 두  사건에  대해
각각 무기징역형을 선고했다.

    로버츠 판사는 이와 함께 형의 감면 또는 석방이 고려될 수 있는 최소 수감기간
에 대해서는 상급법원과 혐의를 거쳐 김규수씨에게 추후 통지할 것이라고 밝혔다.

    주영 한국대사관측은 이날 판결로 지난해 1월 김씨가 영국 경찰에 체포된  이후
계속된 김씨에 대한 재판이 일단락됐다고 밝혔다.

    김씨는 이날 재판에서 법정 최후진술을 포기하고 유가족 등 일부 증인들이 사전
에 배포한 진술서를 모두 인정하는 등 검찰측의 논고를 모두 받아들이겠다는 입장을

    검찰 및 변호인측은 김씨가 적극적인 자기변호를 하지 않았기 때문에  재판절차
에 결정적인 하자가 인정되지 않는 한 법원이 항소를 받아들이지 않을 것이라는  견
해를 표명한 것으로 전해졌다.

    진효정양은 2001년 11월 런던 근교에서 여행가방에 담긴  변사체로  발견됐으며
송인혜양은 2002년 3월 김씨가 운영했던 런던 도클랜드 오거스타  스트리트  민박집현관 벽장에서 사체로 발견됐다.


영국 BBC News 에서

Last Updated:  Tuesday, 25 March, 2003, 15:11 GMT  
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Students' killer jailed for life

Miss Jin (left) and Miss Song were suffocated
A landlord has been jailed for life for the murders of two young female students who died after being bound with sticky tape and entombed. Kim Kyu Soo dumped one victim in a suitcase in North Yorkshire. The other was walled up in a sealed compartment in London.

Jin Hyo Jung, 21, and Song In Hea, 22, were Korean students who rented accomodation from Kim in central London.

The women were almost naked or in a state of undress when they were found.  They were murdered in the most chilling and distressing circumstances

Prosecution lawyer Jonathan Laidlaw

They were bound by the wrists with parcel tape so they could not resist, said prosecutor Jonathan Laidlaw at the Old Bailey.

And he said that as money had been withdrawn from both women's accounts using their PIN numbers, "there is a dreadful possibility the killings were deliberately extended so that information could be extracted from the victims."

Miss Jin's body was forced into a large suitcase which was dumped in a country lane in Askham Richard, North Yorkshire, and not found until November.

'Sadistic pleasure'

Miss Song's body "was concealed in a cupboard which was sealed at an address in east London. It was not discovered until March last year".

The motives remain a mystery. Neither victim had been subjected to a sexual assault, according to the postmortem examinations.

Mr Laidlaw said: "Precisely why he killed them is not clear. Was there a sexual motive? Was it simply about money?

You snuffed out the lives of two innocent young girls who trusted you and believed you were their friend.

Judge Roberts to Kim Kyu Soo  
"Or a more sinister possibility is that he achieved a sadistic form of pleasure from the slow deliberate form of killing and sex and money was simply incidental?"

Kim showed no emotion as the jury returned the two guilty verdicts.
Judge Roberts told Kim his crimes were "exceptionally wicked".

He said: "You snuffed out the lives of two innocent young girls who trusted you and believed you were their friend.

"You did that in a way which must have been exceptionally distressing to them and caused untold misery and anxiety to their families."

Afterwards, Detective Superintendent Peter Ship, the officer in overall charge of both murder inquiries, said that while Kim rented rooms to students studying or sightseeing in England, he also travelled extensively in Europe, south-east Asia and Canada.

"He has committed two very similar killings here in a very short period of his life.

"I cannot rule out that he has committed other offences in other countries," said Mr Ship.

"It is a concern. We have links with other law enforcement agencies and provided intelligence on our concerns."